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Meeting of the Maritime Parliamentary Group - POLISH OFFSHORE WIND INDUSTRY CHAMBER

Meeting of the Maritime Parliamentary Group

A meeting of the Maritime Parliamentary Group was held on 10 July, chaired by Senator Kazimierz Kleina and attended by government representatives from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Ministry of State Property and the Ministry of Development and Technology.


The meeting was also attended by a very strong representation of Polish entrepreneurs from the offshore wind sector, consisting of representatives from the Polish Offshore Wind Industry Chamber (PIMEW), Employers of Pomerania and the Marshal's Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship


On the part of the PIMEW, a series of speeches was opened by the President, Jakub Budzyński, who in a synthetic presentation demonstrated the strategic and epoch-making nature of the Polish investment programme in offshore wind energy and at the same time pointed out the extent of the negligence of the state authorities in properly securing the position of the Polish industry in such a powerful undertaking.


The employers from Pomerania were represented by the President of the Board of CRIST S.A. Shipyard. Ewa Kruchelska, who in her incisive speech described the phenomenon of systemic neglect of Polish shipyards and shipowners in the process of creating and managing a highly specialised fleet for the Polish energy sector.


Janusz Czajkowski, President of the PIMEW Chamber Council, drew attention to the extremely important link between the issue of strengthening the local supply chain and national security in the phase of operation of critical infrastructure, which offshore wind farms will undoubtedly be.


Very good examples of securing the position of local entrepreneurs based on everyday practice in other European countries were given by, among others, Paweł Weiner (MAG Offshore, PIMEW Chamber Council) and Krzysztof Stopierzyński (Baltic Diving Solutions Sp. z o.o., Vice President of the PIMEW Board).


The vice-president of the Chamber Council, Agnieszka Rodak (Rumia Invest Park), emphasised the very important issue of the involvement of the Polish state in supporting the process of training human resources for the emerging sector in Poland.


In a summary speech at the end of the meeting, Mariusz Witonski, Vice-President of PIMEW, pointed out that if the above-mentioned issues are not taken into account, the Polish investment programme in offshore wind energy will only result in massive costs for the Republic of Poland without any benefits.


Here are the main expectations and postulates of the Polish offshore wind industry expressed during the debate:

  • Immediate appointment of a new body or institution of a plenipotentiary with the rank of Minister for the Offshore Wind Industry to the Prime Minister, responsible for coordinating the government's efforts to strengthen the position of the Polish offshore wind industry,
  • Amend the "Offshore Act" of 17 December 2020 to allow state institutions full access to material and service supply chain plans and subsequent review of reports on their implementation.

Meeting of the Maritime Parliamentary Group


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